Adding a “Confirm Email” Field to the Bigcommerce Contact Form

In our recent engagement with a Bigcommerce project, we successfully implemented a "Confirm Email" field on a client

In our recent engagement with a Bigcommerce project, we successfully implemented a “Confirm Email” field on a client’s contact form. This feature enhancement was executed with ease. If you are contemplating a similar modification for your own Bigcommerce site, here’s a concise guide to help you achieve it.

To integrate the “Confirm Email” field, you will need to modify the HTML code within your Bigcommerce template files. Access the “Design” section in your BC admin panel’s navigation and select “Edit HTML/CSS.” Within the panels, locate the “page_contact_form.html” file and insert the following HTML code:



<dt><span class=”Required”*></span> Confirm Email</dt>

Adding a “Confirm Email” Field to the Bigcommerce Contact Form

<dd class=”smallTextbox”>

<input type=”text” placeholder=”Confirm Email” name=”confirm_email” class=”Textbox Field200″ />



Refer to the provided screenshot, where the code has been added between lines 23-24.

Additionally, you will need to incorporate a segment of JavaScript code into the “ContactFormJavaScript.html” file. The following JavaScript code should be added:


var confirm_email = $(‘#confirm_email’).val();

if (confirm_email != email_address) {

Adding a “Confirm Email” Field to the Bigcommerce Contact Form

alert(‘Emails should match’);



return false;



This code snippet is visible in the screenshot, added on line 6 and spanning lines 14-19.

Upon completion of these steps, you will see the desired outcome as depicted in the final screenshot.

Should you require further assistance or wish to elevate your Bigcommerce site to new heights, consider reaching out to Coalition Technologies. We specialize in boosting traffic and revenue for businesses like yours. Contact us at (310) 827-3890 for a complimentary consultation on our SEO, design, and development services.

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