How to Install Node.js

Node.js is a crucial dependency for numerous influential open-source projects, necessitating its setup on web servers. However, deve

Node.js is a crucial dependency for numerous influential open-source projects, necessitating its setup on web servers. However, developers often seek to initiate and test Node-dependent projects on their Windows PCs prior to deployment. This guide simplifies the process of local Node.js setup, covering:

Installation of Node.js

Executing a Node application in a browser

Installing Node.js modules using npm

Uninstalling Node.js

Nomenclature Note: The project is officially known as Node.js or node.js, and is commonly referred to simply as Node or node. These terms will be used interchangeably throughout this tutorial.

Node.js offers installers for Windows and Mac, as well as pre-built binaries for Linux users. We will focus on the Windows installation process, which is generally applicable across operating systems and versions.

Begin by visiting the Node.js Downloads page.

Select and download the appropriate installer. For this tutorial, we utilize the 64-bit Windows Installer, though you should choose the version that aligns with your system requirements.

Open the installer file on your computer to launch the Node.js Setup Wizard.

Proceed through the Setup Wizard until Node.js is fully installed.

Upon completion, you will have successfully installed Node.js, along with npm, which is included by default.

Once Node.js is installed, the next step is to execute a Node app from your PC.

We will create a basic app for demonstration purposes. First, create a folder for your application. In my case, I have a folder named “my-node-app” within the “my-folder” directory.

Inside the “my-node-app” folder, create a file named “hello-world.js” and paste the following code:

How to Install Node.js

// Your Node.js application code here

This code is a variation of Node.js’ web server example, designed to establish an HTTP server on your computer.

Now, you are ready to run your first Node.js app.

Access the Node.js command prompt via the Windows Start menu. If it’s not pinned, search for “node.js” in the Search programs and files field to locate it.

The Node.js command prompt is a command line interface (CLI). Navigate to your Node project’s folder using the CLI. For my setup, the file path is “C:\my-folder\my-node-app”, so I used the “cd” (change directory) command to change to that folder:

cd C:\my-folder\my-node-app

Then, execute the “hello-world.js” file by typing:

node hello-world.js

Upon successful execution, you should see the message “Server running at http://localhost:3000/” in the command prompt.

Open your preferred web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/. You should see the “Hello World” text, confirming the application is functioning correctly.

Node.js’ packaged modules enhance its capabilities as a web application development platform, akin to plugins for jQuery and WordPress, Chrome extensions, or Gems for Rails.

npm is Node.js’ default package manager, automatically installed with Node.js.

For instance, to incorporate a MySQL driver for database usage, use the following command in the Node.js command prompt:

npm install mysql

How to Install Node.js

This command will download and install the MySQL node package from npm.

Visit the npm website to discover additional node packaged modules.


When encountering errors during package installation, such as:

// Error message

Manually create the missing folder as indicated by the error message, then rerun the installation command.

Uninstalling Node.js is similar to uninstalling other software. Access Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features, locate Node.js, and follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation.

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