Create a Surreal Ancient Egypt Scene in Photoshop

Click the image to view it at full resolution.Stock photo: Sphinx Statue (stock.xchng)Stock photo: Sandy Desert (stock.xchng)Stock photo: Clouds (stoc

Click the image to view it at full resolution.Create a Surreal Ancient Egypt Scene in Photoshop

Create a Surreal Ancient Egypt Scene in Photoshop

Stock photo: Sphinx Statue (stock.xchng)

Stock photo: Sandy Desert (stock.xchng)

Create a Surreal Ancient Egypt Scene in Photoshop

Stock photo: Clouds (stock.xchng)

Stock photo: Gold Ball (stock.xchng)

Stock photo: Abstract Gold Explosion (stock.xchng)

Vectors: triangles_ev

Stock photo: Palm Tree Silhouette (stock.xchng)

Texture: Paper Texture (deviantART)

Download the Sphinx Statue and import it into Photoshop. The objective is to isolate the statue from its background to enable the creation of a custom backdrop. Utilize the Zoom Tool (Z) to zoom in on the image and the Pen Tool (P) in Paths mode, set via the Options Bar, to trace around the statue’s outline. Accuracy is not mandatory, but strive for the best possible result.Isolate the Sphinx StatueWhile tracing, when you reach the bottom of the statue, continue the path rather than following it outward, as illustrated below.Isolate the Sphinx StatueFollow the line from the point where the statue’s bottom turns outward to the bottom of the statue.After completing the tracing, Control-click/right-click on the path, select Make Selection from the menu that appears, and press Cmd/Ctrl + J to duplicate the selection onto a new layer.Isolate the Sphinx StatueCreate a new document in Photoshop by navigating to File > New. Set the dimensions to 1600px wide by 1200px high, resolution to 72dpi, and color mode to RGB. Fill the default Background layer with black (#000000). Copy the isolated statue image to the new document as a layer above the Background layer.Download and open the Sandy Desert stock photo, then place it beneath the statue layer.Add the Desert SandTemporarily turn off the visibility of the statue layer to focus on the sandy desert layer. Select the sky and remove it for later replacement. Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw a path along the horizon line where the sky meets the sand, then complete the path to encircle the sky.Add the Desert SandAfter closing the path, erase the sky by converting the path to a selection and clearing it using Edit > Clear. Re-enable the statue layer’s visibility.Add the Desert SandPosition the statue at the top of the horizon line to give the impression of looking up at it from the sand.Download and open the Clouds stock photo, then place it as a new layer beneath the sandy desert layer. Resize it using Free Transform (Cmd/Ctrl + T) to fit the scene, holding Shift to maintain proportions.Add a New SkyCreate a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer by clicking the Add new fill or adjustment layer button at the bottom of the Layers Panel and selecting Hue/Saturation from the menu. Ensure the adjustment layer is at the top to affect all layers below it. Adjust the Saturation slider to the left to desaturate the colors below the adjustment layer.Add a New SkyUsing an adjustment layer is beneficial over the Image > Adjustments > Desaturate command because it is non-destructive, allowing for easy color reversal by toggling visibility or deleting the layer.Create a new layer above the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and switch to the Paint Bucket Tool (G). Set the Foreground Color to a brownish orange (#B55E00) and fill the layer with the color by clicking on the canvas. Change the layer’s Blend Mode to Color and reduce the Opacity to about 80%.Add New ColorsCreate another new layer. Set the Foreground Color to a dark, muted yellow (#D09711). Use the Gradient Tool to create a Linear Gradient from the dark, muted yellow to transparent, starting from the bottom of the canvas and dragging upwards. Change the layer’s Blend Mode to Multiply to enhance the effect.Add New ColorsCreate a new layer at the top of the Layers Panel. Set the Foreground Color to a dark orange-brown color (#933F04) and use the Gradient Tool to create a Radial Gradient from the center of the canvas, with the color fading from transparent to dark orange-brown at the edges. Change the layer’s Blend Mode to Difference.Additional ColoringCreate a layer mask on this layer by clicking the Add layer mask button at the bottom of the Layers Panel. Apply a black-to-white linear gradient on the mask to reveal the layer more at the bottom and fade it away towards the top.Additional ColoringCreate a new layer below the statue layer and use the Gradient Tool to create a Radial Gradient from a bright aqua blue color (#00B4FF) to transparent. Change the layer’s Blend Mode to Linear Dodge (Add) to brighten the center of the scene.Enhancing the Focal PointThis brightens the center, enhancing the focal point of the piece.Enhancing the Focal PointRepeat the process with a white-to-transparent Radial Gradient on a new layer above the blue radial gradient layer, setting the Blend Mode to Linear Dodge (Add) as well.Enhancing the Focal PointThis makes the statue more prominent and adds depth to the design.Enhancing the Focal PointDownload and open the Gold Ball image, select the ball, and duplicate it onto a new layer. Turn off the original layer to review the object isolation.Enhancing the Focal PointImport the image into the main document, duplicate it, vary its size with Free Transform (Cmd/Ctrl + T), and position it around the scene using the Move Tool (V).Enhancing the Focal PointApply the Gaussian Blur filter at 6px Radius to create two large, blurred golden globes to reinforce the foreground.Enhancing the Focal PointHere is the final result with the golden globes added:Enhancing the Focal PointDownload and open the Abstract Gold Explosion stock image, scale it to fill the canvas using Free Transform (Cmd/Ctrl + T), and flip it vertically using Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical. Change the layer’s Blend Mode to Screen.Add a Shattered EffectHere is the Layers Panel showing the order of the layers so far:Add a Shattered EffectUse the Eraser Tool (E) to remove the bottom portion of the abstract gold explosion on the sand.Add a Shattered EffectContinue removing areas of the abstract gold explosion at the top to ensure the background does not overshadow the foreground elements. Aim for the shattered effect to span across the clouds in the middle of the scene.Add a Shattered EffectThe shattered effect adds complexity and depth to the artwork.Open the triangles_ev vector file in Illustrator and import the selected building block as a smart object into the Photoshop document. Place it below the Sphinx statue layer and scale it down using Free Transform.Add the Building Blocks ElementRotate and duplicate the building block to create a border across the horizon. This adds a new design element that complements the surreal theme.Add the Building Blocks ElementDownload and open the Palm Tree Silhouette stock image, resize it to match the scene’s scale, and change the layer’s Blend Mode to Multiply. Move the layer behind the statue layer and use the Eraser Tool (E) to remove parts of the palm trees, showing them emerging from the center of the scene.Add Blowing TreesCreate text using the Horizontal Type Tool (T) with Minion Bold at about 24pt and black as the text color. Write “Design Instruct.”Create a new layer above the text and use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M)

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